our technology
Unmatched eCommerce Power.
We enable “hybrid selling” to maximize the value of your personal relationship with clients and the power of our advanced eCommerce system, geiger.com. Your personalized site* allows you to directly receive orders to approve in Priority+. The site includes over 10,000 curated products from only top vendors to ensure buyer satisfaction.
Priority+ Order Management.
Priority+ makes it extremely easy to enter orders and integrates with all Geiger eCommerce systems so you never re-key an order. Priority+ has powerful features that you would expect such as reorders, powerful reporting, order history, and more. With Priority+ reporting you can filter on almost anything you can image or download to Excel.
PopUP Stores™.
Just like a traditional brick-and-mortar pop-up shop, Geiger sales partners have access to unlimited “PopUP Stores™.” These eCommerce sites feature non-inventory, non-contractual items for your clients and can be set up in under 5 minutes. PopUP Stores™ have the ability to "batch" orders to meet quantity minimums and allow for individual credit card payments.
Using Popup Stores™ has helped our sales partners deliver more value to their customers and create long lasting relationships. Take a look at DEMO PopUP Store
Continuing Investment.
Our eCommerce systems are created with customers and sales partners in mind. We focus on the ease of use for the buyers to ensure they have a great experience and we never stop improving. Geiger invests 6 figures every year to keep making Priority+ more powerful to help our sales partners be more productive. The less time you spend entering/managing orders, the more time you have for selling or enjoying your free time.
Personal Technology Support.
The Geiger Helpdesk offers extensive support for all your technology needs. Our team is available via phone, email, online chat, and remote desktop support. In addition to Geiger technology, they assist with installation of new software, technical issues with most software, and general guidance. When you get a new laptop, tablet, or phone, they help you connect it and learn new features. We keep you productive and handle the technology headaches for you.
Support is only one aspect of our helpdesk as we work hard behind the scenes to keep you and your clients safe. We have a dedicated security administrator who addresses security risks which is a growing threat for all businesses.
Apps / Insight.
Priority+ goes far beyond the basics of order management. Priority+ apps allow you to look up supplier details, Geiger special pricing, vendor inventory levels, and more. Best yet, you have access to your order history and financial information.
All Geiger sales partner receive Microsoft hosted email which is protected through top rated anti-virus and antispam protection.
*personalized Geiger.com site, PopUP Stores, email marketing, and research tools offered as part of our low cost eMarketingPRO subscription service.